Thursday, March 8, 2012

Like Christmas Morning/Afternoon

Few things in life are very certain and I take pride in planning, so I like things to come out just so. It is truly a shame when we are let down by built up expectations, but I can tell you one thing for certain.

This was in my mailbox this morning:

This is what I claimed with it this afternoon:

The truth is, I have been hopping around inside all day excited out of my mind for this package because every time I publish with heritage makers, it comes out more beautiful than I even expected! I also opened it in the car as you can see!

Mother's Day and Father's day is coming up and I (like all people) was pressed for a possible gift to give those amazing people who helped shape the person I am today (and kept me fed and clothed). They are days in which to appreciate all the work that goes into being someone else's hero, and I have to say:

These projects were relatively easy to make (unless you count the time it took me to take the photos out of those stupid pain in the butt plastic sealer binders) Honestly, I can't even do projects with them anymore because the last time I did, all I remember was frustration and hair static! Anyway, I got my photos scanned into my computer, uploaded them to Heritage makers, and picked a couple of templates and boom! Done! Other than a little journaling I added to personalize it. If you are as in love with this project as I am, I suggest you contact me about how to publish them for your heroes!

Mother's Day - May 13th      

Father's Day - June 17th

What this all means of course is that today has been like Christmas morning. I almost cried the projects were so beautiful. Now I'm going to have to order them again to use them as samples at my workshops!

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